Friday, June 25, 2010

"While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart."

I find sanctuary whenever I leave Kensington. I don’t expect to have to step over needles, see people passed-out drunk on the sidewalk, or break up a fight. And, gratefully, most of the time I am granted the reprieve. But the other day I was at Wawa (a Philadelphia-area convenience store) and greeted one of our regular guests who was sitting outside begging for money. He didn’t recognize me at first, but once I smiled, a big smile crossed his face along with a little wave.
I went in, got my Caffeine-Free Diet Coke and some cash from the ATM, and upon my exiting the store, I was instantly transported back to 2441 Kensington Avenue. John, the guest, was engaged in a tussle with another man who was taking swings. Amidst the blows, the Wawa customer was yelling profanities surrounding derogatory racist and homeless comments. To water it down, “This guy is always out here begging for money! Why doesn’t he just get a job!?” To be fair to the customer, John is always out there begging for money, but the violent reaction to a humble request for some spare change seemed unwarranted. This type of incident isn’t unusual, in fact, crimes against the homeless are on the rise, especially in our neighborhood. But I didn’t expect it outside of my community.
In typical St. Francis Inn fashion, I began calmly talking John out of the fight, hoping that I would be able to diffuse at least John’s defensive attack. Just as I started the intervention, a SWAT Team, along with 3 police officers (one of which that was undercover) came running outside and abrasively separated the two men. I snuck away, secretly grateful that I didn’t have to work through that fight on my own, but unsettled by the violent and harsh manner with which the situation was dealt. Suddenly I understood the value of a peaceful presence and the pacifistic way the Team handles such situations.
Maybe after 3 years, St. Francis has taught me something after all.

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